Logan Henthorne Memorial
Truck and Tractor Pull
Friday, June 20, 7:00 p.m.
The Logan Henthorne Memorial local farm classes are 13000# and 14000# 6mph. 13000# local farm will be the first class. The funds raised from the local farm classes are donated to the Logan Lives On Memorial Scholarship given by the
Elroy Fair and Southwest WI Pullers to Royall High School seniors.
See you all on Friday, June 20.
Friday Classes
Local Farm 13,000# 6mph
Local Farm 14,000# 6mph
Altered Farm Tractors
Pro Street Diesel Trucks
Outlaw Farm 12mph
Outlaw 6700#
Altered Gas Trucks
Local Semis
All classes are organized by Southwest WI Pullers. For general questions, contact Southwest WI Pullers. Please refer to their website for rules and other information.
Kristopher Clark- President- 608-495-0595
or Mike (Elroy Fair) 608-542-0258 for more information.